Journées Scientifiques are divided into eight segments. the whole event is 100% online. REMEMBER to suscribe in each part individually. Otherwise, you will not be able to participate the day of the event


08:30 - 09:00 (GMT -4) | 14:30 - 15:00 (GMT +2)
Opening Journées Scientifiques Inria Chile
09:00 - 09:20 (GMT -4) | 15:00 - 15:20 (GMT +2)
Launching the Inria French-Chilean Network of Research
09:20 - 10:00 (GMT -4) | 15:20 - 16:00 (GMT +2)
Keynote "Hybridization is the future of AI"
10:00 - 11:20 (GMT -4) | 16:00 - 17:20 (GMT +2)
Scientific Session I.1 Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • FOAM: First-Order Accelerated Methods for Machine Learning
  • Stargaze: Anomaly detection for real-time identification of changing-state AGNs in massive datasets
  • DODAM: Declarative and Ontology-enhanced Data Analytics and Machine learning
11:20 - 11:30 (GMT -4) | 17:20 - 17:30 (GMT +2)
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:50 (GMT -4) | 17:30 - 18:50 (GMT +2)
Scientific Session I.2 Novel Computing Paradigms
  • GreenAI + SusAIn: Towards an ecologically viable machine learning / Sustainable Artificial Intelligence
  • GECO: Gradual verification and robust proof Engineering for COq
  • ANGEL: IoT e-Health Platform to Monitor and Improve Quality of Life
12:50 - 13:00 (GMT -4) | 18:50 - 19:00 (GMT +2)
Closure Day 1


08:30-08:40 / 14:30-14:40
Opening Day 2
08:40-09:20 / 14:40-15:20
Presenting the French and Chilean research models and ecosystems
09:20-10:00 / 15:20-16:00
Keynote "Mechanistic models & data-driven models to understand the environment"
10:00-11:20 / 16:00-17:20
Scientific Session II.1 Understanding weather and climate
  • E-Mistral: An Environmental Monitoring and Inspection Sailboat via Transfer, Reinforcement and Autonomous Learning
  • climateDL: Using deep learning spatial-temporal graph models for seasonal forecasting of extreme temperature events
  • BlueEdge: Artificial Intelligence and optimization for cleaner biotechnological processes
11:20-11:35 / 17:20-17:35
Coffee break
11:35-12:35 / 17:35-18:35
Innovations session: Successful collaborations reaching innovation and transfer
12:35-12:45 / 18:35-18:45
Closure Day 2


08:30-08:40 / 14:30-14:40
Opening Day 3
08:40-09:20 / 14:40-15:20
Keynote “Digital and Nature-based Solutions”
09:20-10:20 / 15:20-16:20
Scientific Session III.1 "Challenge OcéanIA"
  • OcéanIA: Artificial Intelligence and Modeling for Understanding Oceans and Climate Change
10:20-10:35 / 16:20-16:35
Coffee break
10:35-11:55 / 16:35-17:55
Scientific Session III.2 Modelling nature and society
  • SymBioDiversity: Symbolic and numerical mining and exploration of functional biodiversity
  • MAGMA: Modelling And understandinG Motion Anticipation in the retina
  • BIO-SEL: BIlevel Optimization in Security, Energy and Logistics
11:55-12:35 / 17:55-18:35
Presentation: “Valuation of research software source code: Software Heritage”
12:35-12:45 / 18:35-18:45
Closure Day 3


08:30-08:40 / 14:30-14:40
Opening Day 4
08:40-09:20 / 14:40-15:20
Keynote "Navigating through the multidimensional spacetime of the Milky Way"
09:20-10:20 / 15:20-16:20
Scientific Session IV.1 Models and numerical methods for complex systems
  • TOMENADE: Topological Methods and Non-Autonomous Dynamics for Delay Differential Equations
  • EOLIS: Efficient Off-Line numerical Strategies for multi-query problems
  • NOLOCO+NOTION: Efficient numerical schemes for non-local transport phenomena/Non-local conservation laws for engineering, biological and epidemiological applications: theory and numerics
10:20-10:35 / 16:20-16:35
Coffee break
10:35-11:55 / 16:35-17:55
Round table: Open Science
11:55-12:05 / 17:55-18:05
Closure Journées Scientifiques Inria Chile